Sunday, November 30, 2008

About the recession...

FYI - 95% of actor in the Screen Actors Guild make less than $7,000 a
year. My profession is in a constant recession.

Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bored of this site

I'm not liking this site any more.

It's not you, it's me.

Actually, it's probably nobody.

See, I envisioned this as a place to chat about acting. Specifically, my acting experiences and how I really felt about them. It would essentially be a port of my MySpace blog which had a following enough to make me consider moving the whole kit and caboodle to a site that does not pimp ringtones on the sides of my life. I'd build up a huge, cool-ass following and then parley that into a teaching job or something even better. It was pie in the sky and I was hungry.

But the reality of the blog became something different. In the walled garden that is Myspace, I can bitch about the industry with relative impunity. If a director sucked or an agent dissed me, I could vent there. Even if it was just a bad audition, I could dissect it in graphic details for the curious friends to see. The blog was (and is) restricted to only those that I deem suitable to read my blog.

But this is the wild world wide web. Everything is searchable. If I name a producer or agent who was a jackass to me, one simple vanity google of their own name and I'm in trouble. The town is too small to mouth off, and it's too dangerous when you are a mid-level actor like I am. I need them more than the reverse being true.

So I've ended up watering down my posts here, or just not posting at all. that makes this a boring, infrequently visited site - both by you and I. Honesty and creativity are currency on the web and I have neither here.

So I'll probably mix things up here a bit. I may rant on things that don't directly affect my ability to find a job, I might focus on one issue in particular. I don't know anymore.

Of course, the oddest thing right now about this blog is that I'm not sure anyone is actually reading it. This could be as close to writing a personal journal as I can get if it has the viewship I think is does. While there is something heroic to carrying on when no one else will listen to you, blog is not one of thos instances.

So I end here, and maybe I begin here too. I'll still blog about acting. It won't be exclusive, but it may become interesting.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Germ Theory

Did I ever mention I was a series regular on a Sci-fi show?

Probably did, but didn't make too much of a fuss of it. Maybe it's because the show got canceled after two years, somehow making me a failure because of it. Or it could be that it was on the Sci-Fi channel, which meant that few people watched it when it was on. Maybe it was that once it was canceled, it was never shown on the Sci-fi channel again for odd reasons, nor did it ever surface in syndication or DVD. It could be that I just didn't think I was that good in the show.

Whatever the reasons, I'm beginning to reevaluate them. This is helped by the fact that they finally released the first season on DVD, then on But the final straw is when Hulu has released the second season online a few days ago. this was my season, primarily becasue they finally officially made me a series regular, but also because the writers and I had really started to dig into my character. The nebish, nerdy Eberts, long a wallflower in the action packed show was finallly getting a chance to stretch his legs and for me, my acting chops.

So here's an episode that I particularly like inthe second season. It's probably the easiest one to plug into as far as the blend of science fiction, action and comedy that the show did so well. It was also a great blend of the ensemble, everyone had something fun to do.

Watch as much as you want, I don't get paid so it doesn't hurt my feelings or my wallet if you stop early. It's a great little show that I'm just now starting to plug.